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Adventure! Gallantry! Romance!

Valor, our exciting and uplifting concert on March 1, will feature the epic Symphony No. 4 by Anton Bruckner. The work is subtitled “The Romantic” due to its underlying program relating to medieval knights in shining armor, nature and birdsong. I can tell you that the members of the orchestra are the real knights in shining armor for tackling this monumental and extremely challenging piece!

The program will begin with a brilliant piece by American composer Nancy Galbraith, Professor of Composition at Carnegie-Mellon University. A Festive Violet Pulse is completely opposite from the Bruckner in every way. It is bright and lively, in contrast to the Bruckner’s often dark and heavy character. We hope that you will enjoy the juxtaposition of these two equally great but totally different works of art.

We look forward to seeing you on March 1, not only for the concert itself but also for all of the fun and social “More Than Music” activities that we’ll be having before and after the concert.

Headshot Image for Lawrence Golan

Lawrence Golan

Music Director Laureate

Vibrant, inspired performances, imaginative programming and an evocative command of different styles and composers are the hallmarks of American conductor Lawrence Golan. Currently serving as Music Director / Conductor of…

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