Pass the Baton!

Two emotional and romantic Russian masterpieces are lead by a rotation of conductors in our first-ever maestro relay. Each movement of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s sixth symphony and Modest Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition will be directed under a different baton. February 22, see and hear the next generation of orchestra leaders from our inaugural DPO International Conducting Workshop.

We’re opening our doors early at 5:45 pm for two special performances of Tchaikovsky’s graceful Serenade for Strings. As at the main concert, each movement of the piece will be conducted by a different conductor taking part in our workshop. No ticket required for this pre-concert event.

Symphony No. 6 “Pathétique”

Mussorgsky, orch. Ravel
Pictures at an Exhibition


Read the concert program
Lee el programa del concierto en español.