Like two pieces of music, no two saisons are the same. Brewers all over the world make them, but if you asked 100 brewers what the fugue a saison was, you’ll get 100 different answers.
So let’s break down the basics that everyone can mostly agree on. Saisons are typically pale ales, and orangey-yellow in color, like a really rad Colorado sunset. They usually taste fruity and spicy, some are more citrus fruits and clove spice, some are more tropical fruits with notes of red and green pepper.
They’re also usually above 7% ABV. And I don’t know about you but if I have the choice between a 7.6% and a 4.5% ABV beers, I’m going to pick the 7.6%. Every time. Because I’m a value shopper (READ: Paying off 6 figures of grad school loans and crying into my saison about how expensive rent is in Denver).
Ursula Brewery taps its first kegs of Offbeat Saison, the official DPO beer, this Saturday. Join us for the Season Teaser and Offbeat Release! Doors open at 5:00pm. Your $15 ticket includes a limited edition 22oz. bottle of Offbeat to take home. (Or bundle and save $5 when you add-on your Season Teaser ticket with your Season Pass!)