Posted December 18, 2018
Have you been to the DPO?
I’ve been going to the Denver Philharmonic concerts for a long time, and a lot of times, I bring a friend. We get season tickets to go to every concert, but the holiday one this weekend is my favorite!
I love Christmas time and celebrating with the DPO is a family tradition. A few years ago, I got to go on stage to conduct the orchestra, and it was exciting to be so close to the musicians and see them play. I like all of the kid activities like the hot cocoa bar and visiting Santa, so come early to check them out.
The DPO wants kids to come to concerts and love music. KidsTix are free if you’re 12 or under like me. All the concerts have great music, but this one is full of holiday cheer. There’s even a sing-along, which is fun for everyone! You will be happy you came. (Bring your parents, they will love it too!)
See ya there!
Keri, Age 12